Beautiful Vieques PR

Beautiful Vieques PR

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Six Word Saturday

For Six Word Saturday:

Lollygagging on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Word List Challenge - City Streets

This poem is just the result of playing with a word list challenge over at Apollo Blessed.  The words were:

I decided to try using them at the beginning of each line....just kind of experimenting.  :)

Under the street signs
Devoured by city’s sounds
Whole tribes at war
Nourished by noise, never
Partaking of peace or
Sentiment’s sweet song
Delving into desolation to
Pinnacle of poverty’s passion

Monday, May 2, 2011


For Sunday Scribblings prompt #265 - Cake

I baked me a cake and gave a big shout
Because I had left all the calories out

I’ll eat the whole thing and still remain thin
Can you imagine how that makes me grin?

I hid it from view, this one I’d hoard,
But this lovely cake had the taste of cardboard.

So into the trash it went with a clunk
Now get the real cake and cut me a chunk!

gkb - 5/2/11


Bin Laden is dead
the world is a better place
justice has been done

gkb - 5/2/11

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Carry on Tuesday prompt:  Use all or part of a first line from Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players"
Haiku Heights Prompt #41 - Innocence

All the world's a stage
where innocence and evil
vie for victory

G.K.B. - 5/1/11

Chronic depression
episodes of mania
bipolar border

moods of madness like
blindly walking a tightrope
a balancing act

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Good Day

Day 30 and final day of April Poem-A-Day Challenge!  Today's prompt at Poetic Asides is, "When I leave here...."   This 30th day of doing a poem a day found my brain a bit fatigued, but I had to finish what I started, right?  So here's my final (though feeble) response.

When I leave here,
I will be there,
In the car and
Out of my chair.

When I arrive
In another part of town,
I'll head to son's deck
And sit right back down

With fresh air and sunshine,
Maybe too much to eat,
But all in all,
A much better seat!

With the warmth of
Family, friends, and sun
I know this afternoon
Will be fun!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ode to Books

Day 29 April P-A-D Poetic Asides prompt:  Write an ode....not necessarily formal.  I really hit a brick wall with this prompt, but I finally came up with this.

You take me to places I never thought to go,,
You take me away from the pain of today.
You bring me knowledge, helping me grow,
You give me more than I can ever repay.

You make me laugh at myself and others.
You give me the means to loose my sorrow.
You replace boredom with hours of pleasure.
You let me encounter many lovers,
You give me hope for a better tomorrow.
You, my books, are the pearls of my treasure.

G.K.Bostic - 4/29/11