Beautiful Vieques PR

Beautiful Vieques PR

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Carpe Diem

I hear the forsythia sing its yellow song.
I weep with the willow in its birth.
Spring cuts a path in my memory
To another time,
To another place..
Running outside with
Francine by my side..

To years of green beginnings
With the promises they bring,

Sweet smell of apricots and mangoes,
Aspargus in chantilly lace
Soft music for the eyes.
Why must we wait so long
For this day to arrive?
Carpe Diem...
Let your heart soar!

G. K. Bostic - 4/7/11


  1. How beautiful..
    I am also a poetry lover and I try to write too. ur style is very touching. This poem made me think of beautiful days, breathy, relaxing and a pleasure to read

  2. I love these thoughts of spring taking us back to old memories, old friends, old loves and all the promises it brings us each year. Beautiful.

  3. Diablesse, thank you so much!

    Judy, I truly appreciate your comments. Thanks so much!

  4. I felt a rising as I read this poem. That speaks volumes. Thank you.

  5. Brenda, thanks so much!!

    Mad Kane, thank was a lovely we're back to rainy and gloomy, but eventually this weather may improve! ;)
