Beautiful Vieques PR

Beautiful Vieques PR

Monday, April 4, 2011

Picture in my Mind

For Poetry Potluck Prompt:  Photographs, Memories and Nostalgia

I have a picture in my mind,
my Mama by a window,
I had to see her through a screen.
They would not let me near her.

They feared if any closer
That I too might get sick
I'm sure she felt an emptiness
A need for her child's touch.

I was only four or five..
She left our world soon after.
She was too young to leave us all
With nothing but her picture.

I have lived now twice the years
Of my long departed Mama
I got to see my sons full grown
As I'd truly hoped I would.

If only I had known my Mama
As my sons have known me
So I could have sweet memories
Not just a photograph to see.

I looked up through that window
Took a picture with my mind
Or is that sight within my heart
Just a snapshot memory.

G. K. Bostic - 4/4/11


  1. you and your mom, how beautiful...

    sweet memories.

  2. Thanks so much Jingle!!! This one has very special meaning to me....obviously. :)

  3. So emotive and beautiful....

  4. full of emotions.. my potluck..

  5. This was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks sooo much eclipseofthemoon, fiveloaf, and Andy!!! I wish this site would let me reply to each of you individually, but I don't seem to have that option. :( Anyway, I really do appreciate each of your comments! :)

  7. Gloria, this is so tender. I'm sure that the loss of your mother influenced your work as a psychologist as the loss of my father when I was a baby influenced me to work with death and dying almost my entire nursing career.
